Adidas X UEFA Womens Euro | Keane Shaw | Soccer Bible

The Last Dinner Party - Prelude to Ecstasy | Harv Frost | Kode

Taylor & Hart | A Love Less Ordinary | Eyeline Pictures

Zalando - Your Run, Your Pace | Alejandra Ruiz-Zorilla | Studio 11:40

Memory of Speke - Wife Once | Fabien Frankel | Marcel Monique Pictures

Confidence Man - Sicko | India Harris | Friend

Grian Chatten - All of the People | Sam Taylor | OB

National Art Pass | Dan Emmerson | Somesuch

Jungle - Back on 74 | Charlie Di Placido & J. Lloyd | Contentus Maximus

Glass Animals - Show Pony | Eoin Glaister | Stink

DISHES DISHES DISHES | Emma Parkinson | Yarns

RHODES - The Love I Give | Nano Clow